Important Announcement
Trident is no longer being maintained.
Last Minecraft version supported: Java Edition 1.18
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If you still wish to know more:
Last Minecraft version supported: Java Edition 1.18
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If you still wish to know more:
Trident Language

Define functions inside other functions to simplify your file structure

Do complex processing in compile time to generate files, functions and resource packs

Define new entities and entity components, with unique functionalities

Create new items with unique functionalities

Trident includes plenty native libraries for you to use in your projects

And much more!
Trident UI
An integrated development environment for the Trident Language

Syntax Highlighting

Multiple Selections
Place multiple editor carets using Alt+Shift+Click

Code suggestions show up as you type

Live Templates
Expand code snippets with an abbreviation

Project Configuration
Easily configure your project and get the latest Minecraft definitions

And much more!
Requires Java 8 or later to run.
Executable Program
Packaged with the latest language version
Changelog · All releases
Changelog · All releases
Source for both Trident-UI and Trident-Language is available on GitHub.
Documentation for all the features of the Trident Language can be found here.
Also includes documentation for the native libraries.
Also includes documentation for the native libraries.